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Reconstructing Maya History and Religion with the Maya people

In 2019 we started our educational project together with the local NGO Loq’laj Ch’och’ or “Sacred Earth” in Q’eqchi’ Maya, funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung.

This two-year educational initiative strives to regain Maya identity and to strengthen community integration and political agency through the recovery and systematization of historical knowledge in Q’eqchi’ Maya communities in lowland Guatemala. The Q’eqchi’ are one of the most populous of the twenty-three Mayan language groups in Guatemala. What makes this initiative unique is the participation of teachers, community leaders and activists as direct agents in the production and conducting of historical knowledge. We work with three Maya communities: Las Pozas, Sayaxche – Raxruha – San Luis Petén.

Project Coordinator is Dr. Ruud van Akkeren, specialist on Maya history, who has developed an innovative methodology involving Maya communities in the production of historical knowledge. He lives in Guatemala and has over 20 years of experience in educational projects.


For more information on Loq’laj Ch’och’

Ruud Van Akkeren

Publicado por
Ruud Van Akkeren

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